Sudharshan Chandra Babu

Results 7 comments of Sudharshan Chandra Babu

@neccam I'm building your image and I keep running into `Caffe not found. Either turn on the BUILD_CAFFE option or specify the path of Caffe includes and libs using -DCaffe_INCLUDE_DIRS...

This seems to be an issue with OpenPose. Have a look at this issue : It's an issue with building openpose with pre-built caffe. Is there a reason you...

Update. Solved it by using the previous OpenPose release. @neccam Does the visualization work if I'm running the container on a remote server?

Couple of changes: - `git reset --hard d78ae77` OpenPose commit on Jan 20th. Assumed this would be the one you used - Add these flags. `-DCUDA_ARCH=Manual -DCUDA_ARCH_BIN="50 52 60 61"...

@xiangdonglai At which part of the code do I add the saving bit?

Okay thanks! @xiangdonglai How do I disable the opengl renders? (what parts of the code do I comment out?)