Camilo Bravo
Camilo Bravo
I am having this same issue.... it does seem to matter the number of routes because I have commented out different routes to see and individually they all successfully pre-render......
even at maxConcurrentRoutes 1 it still failed once or twice..... this makes it unreliable? Is this just caused by the bug in puppeteer where the default 30000ms time out cannot...
@Tribex side question... is the unhandled promise rejection an issue with puppeteer? It should be failing and exiting the node process correct? or is this something that could be fixed...
@tribex @Palgie @sohailalam2 I have been digging into the timeout issue some more and I have found that the reason why we get this timeout error of 30000ms even though...
here you go @Tribex! let me know any changes that are needed
@roman-vabishchevych @cubiq Is there a reason not to simply put ```transition-duration: 0.5s !important;``` on the scroller div and scroll indicator in order to achieve smooth scrolling?
Just chiming in to see what the status of this is? Is it still on the radar?