Christian Hower
Christian Hower
910 training files load and train successfully. Training takes around 1 minute. 980 training examples gives the following error: ``` Process SpawnProcess-1: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/", line...
1400 training examples loads and "trains", but no blocking rules are learned at it returns this error: Starting training... Blocking predicates: () Writing training file... Writing settings file... Releasing memory......
Thanks for the quick answer @fgregg. It is expected that the blocking predicates would be empty after training with a larger amount of data? As a work around, is there...
I did not. I ended up going with recordlinkage and a classifier for my application since I had enough data. Good luck! Get Outlook for iOS ________________________________ From: Siddhartha Shrestha...