SCIPhI copied to clipboard
10971 Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I ran SCIPhI for 200000 iterations and at the end, I got a segmentation fault. I am still running version 0.1.2. Do you think it could be a bug solved in 0.1.3 and I should upgrade or do you suspect of any other reason?
... iterations: 190000 score: 0 bestScore: 0 num trees: 1 num Samples: 30 total # mut: 0 currently used: 0 normal - freq: 0.294349812831224 tmp: 0.290966440888769 SD: 0.0141906754859326 count: 568 trails: 568 normal - overDis: 549.01817943582 tmp: 535.818107369113 SD: 7.09533774296629 count: 493 trails: 493 normla - alpha: 161.603398357873 beta: 387.414781077947 mutation - overDis: 15.2505254570906 tmp: 15.180311698458 SD: 0.141906754859326 count: 649 trails: 649 mutation - alpha: 4.63260318596367 beta: 12.1142520424177 drop: 0.633748158249681 SD: 0.0141906754859326 count: 556 trails: 556 lambda: 0.533507173081417 SD: 0.0141906754859326 count: 502 trails: 502 iterations: 0 score: 0 bestScore: 0 num trees: 1 /var/log/slurm/spool_slurmd/job2059288/slurm_script: line 58: 10971 Segmentation fault (core dumped) sciphi -i ${RESDIR}/${REF}.fa --in ${WORKDIR}/SciphiSamples.${PATIENT}.txt -o Sciphi -r 2 -l 100000 --lz 1 --ls 100000 --pr 0.0001 --seed ${oddnumber} ${WORKDIR}/Sciphi.${PATIENT}.mpileup
Thanks in advance,
Dear Tamara,
The problem is that during candidate loci identification not a single locus is determined as likely harbouring a mutation. I will include a check and omit the phylogenetic tree inference in such a case.
I hope that helps!
Best, Jochen
Also note that the "-r" option was removed in the current version as intermediate results are not stored. Instead SCIPhI should be invoked several times with different seeds.
Dear Jochen,
Thank you very much for the help. Indeed the check would be very useful!
I was not expecting a reason like that one because my dataset is composed of 30 single-cells whole-genome at 5X. I detected 2000 mutations using SCcaller with default parameters and 7000 being less stringent. Do you think I could be parameterizing in a wrong way?
sciphi \
-i ${RESDIR}/${REF}.fa \
--in ${WORKDIR}/SciphiSamples.${PATIENT}.txt \
-o Sciphi \
-l 1 \
--lz 0 \
--ls 1 \
--pr 0.0001 \
--seed ${oddnumber} \
I have seen the -u is 0 by default.
Dear Tamara,
The "-u" is not the problem, which is used to decide which mutations to include into the final VCF.
Could you paste the content of the "SciphiSamples.${PATIENT}.txt" file?
Dear Jochen,
Here you are
/mnt/lustre/scratch/home/uvi/be/tpf/CLL04/RESULTS/CLL04.Saliva.real.bam BN
/mnt/lustre/scratch/home/uvi/be/tpf/CLL04/RESULTS//CLL04.BM.T1.real.bam CT
/mnt/lustre/scratch/home/uvi/be/tpf/CLL04/RESULTS//CLL04.BM.T10.real.bam CT
/mnt/lustre/scratch/home/uvi/be/tpf/CLL04/RESULTS//CLL04.BM.T11.real.bam CT
/mnt/lustre/scratch/home/uvi/be/tpf/CLL04/RESULTS//CLL04.BM.T12.real.bam CT
/mnt/lustre/scratch/home/uvi/be/tpf/CLL04/RESULTS//CLL04.BM.T13.real.bam CT
/mnt/lustre/scratch/home/uvi/be/tpf/CLL04/RESULTS//CLL04.BM.T14.real.bam CT
/mnt/lustre/scratch/home/uvi/be/tpf/CLL04/RESULTS//CLL04.BM.T15.real.bam CT
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/mnt/lustre/scratch/home/uvi/be/tpf/CLL04/RESULTS//CLL04.BM.T6.real.bam CT
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/mnt/lustre/scratch/home/uvi/be/tpf/CLL04/RESULTS//CLL04.PB.T9.real.bam CT