I still get the same failure running the default target. I think the error occurs before any tests are run. -do-test-run: [junit] WARNING: multiple versions of ant detected in path...
Looks like I did not have the latest files when I made my previous test. However, I still get an error using the default target: BUILD FAILED /Volumes/L/Java/svgSalamander/repo/svg-core/nbproject/build-impl.xml:1329: The following...
An unrelated question: Is there a reason why these files are tracked by git? modified: ../www/binaries/svgSalamander-tiny.jar modified: ../www/binaries/svgSalamander.jar It means every build creates a change that needs to be committed...
Another unrelated issue: in the latest set of changes, I am seeing stray ^M-s in the diffs.
I believe so. > On Apr 18, 2017, at 9:24 AM, blackears wrote: > > What are the ^M? Are those carriage returns? > > — > You are receiving...
There must be a better way to provide binaries that as tracked files in git. > On Apr 18, 2017, at 9:24 AM, blackears wrote: > > The binaries are...
Yes, that fixes the problem. Now it gets to javadoc and fails there, which sounds like something you already are aware of. > On Apr 18, 2017, at 9:37 AM,...
There are no other resources. This may be an example described in: https://wiki.sleuthkit.org/index.php?title=HFS Is there a command line way of doing a zlib decoding? > On Feb 26, 2023, at...
I should add that the one file I have examined also has a data fork that looks reasonable, so perhaps the resource fork is redundant and was somehow left behind...
Thanks to both of you for the helpful information. This file is indeed an “HFS” compressed file (on APFS) as revealed by ls -alhO I found a program afsctool (can...