Hi, Yes it sounds a good trade off.
Hi, Thank you for your documented answer it was very instructive. I will take time asap to port the code to `aiosqlite`. On the other hand I have already implemented...
It seems link to https://github.com/openwisp/openwisp-firmware-upgrader/issues/244#issuecomment-1633116023 as @nemesifier said. Because the _call_reflash_command is called from a subprocess it causes the issue. The workaround was to use a subprocess but in fact...
After some investigation I can confirm that sysupgrade close ssh before returning the exit code: `Fri Aug 30 09:27:45 UTC 2024 upgrade: Commencing upgrade. Closing all shell sessions.` I tried...
Any update ?
Hi, can you build a new docker image (https://hub.docker.com/r/opensearchproject/logstash-oss-with-opensearch-output-plugin) based on the latest LOGSTASH_VERSION (https://www.docker.elastic.co/r/logstash/logstash-oss). Current version is LOGSTASH_VERSION=${LOGSTASH_VERSION:-8.3.2}. And lot of current inputs plugins documentation is ahead. IE for...