
Results 8 comments of cbdeveloper

I understood what was going on. It's not a bug (I think). This code: ``` useEffect(()=>{ function someFunction() { props.whatever(); // CALLING A FUNCTION FROM PROPS } },[ ]); ```...

@Admsol Yes, if you destructure it, it works. But I'm not a big fan of `props` destructuring. I like to always see that I'm accessing the `props` object anywhere. I...

This is still bugging me. I've been using the following pattern to build some forms: - I have a component to hold the state for the form - The state...

I'm passing it through the babel CLI from my `build.sh` script. This is what I'm using: `--extensions ".js,.tsx,.ts"`

This is not working for me: I know my `babel.config.js` file is being executed. **babel.config.js** ``` module.exports = function (api) { const NODE_ENV = api.env(); const presets = [ ["@babel/preset-env",...

There are heated discussions in Chromium about this issue since 2012. So far, no solution. https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=118639

I'm facing a similar issue. I'm trying to force re-mount a styled-component. I mean, it does remount, but the animation is only occurring on the first mount. ``` // THIS...