
Results 7 issues of caxieyou the child center shoud be equal to the current center + 1/2 of the half too. or it's getting bigger and bigger the order should be reversed, change 1 to -1, and change -1 to 1 here

请问你代码实现的如何了,我试着跑了下python的版本,结果负样本完全不够用,我塞了3000张正样本,20000张负样本(500*500)结果训练到第一个stage的第40个弱分类器就完全不够用了, 实在差的太多了。 是不是哪里有什么问题? 谢谢

I run npm install and npm install texture-compressor then got the error as follow: any idea? thx Error: Cannot find module '../dist/cli/lib/index.js' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:547:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:474:25) at Module.require...


so i was testing the **textureSample** function, I notice that the **fn textureSample(t: texture_2d, s: sampler, coords: vec2, offset: vec2) -> vec4** usage, the last offset: vec2 is consider...

the resize window size is const in Rust, so i suppose it's not changed according to the new size also the callback function about if the window size is changed...

Hi Thanks for you work. I have tested your code and it works fine. I also downloaded your the LBFRegModel_best.mat file. It seem like the structure is quit different for...