
Results 6 issues of Yubo

I use Dify cloud service to generate a psychological Q&A chatbot, but when I wanna add more data such as psychological books and papers, I can just upload one file...

Dify version: Cloud ## Steps To Reproduce 1. create a dify dataset, then upload a file 2. wait for the embedding procedure ## The current behavior After I uploaded a...


I'd like to compare prompts of gpt-prompt-engineer and my handwritten prompts, or just test the elo scores of what I have written. But when I wanna modify the function test_candidate_prompts,...

**Describe the bug** 在powershell中运行下列命令 ``` D:\github\ENV\qwen\Scripts\python.exe d:\github\swift\swift\cli\sft.py ` --model_type qwen1half-moe-a2_7b-chat-int4 ` --model_id_or_path "D:\models\Qwen1.5-MoE-A2.7B-Chat-GPTQ-Int4" ` --sft_type lora ` --dtype AUTO ` --output_dir "D:\github\swift\output" ` --train_dataset_sample -1 ` --num_train_epochs 3 ` --max_length...

运行Readme文档中的这句部署命令时python cli_demo.py [chatglm|pangualpha|llama|chatrwkv] 报错如下: pangualpha : The term 'pangualpha' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable progra m. Check the spelling of the...
