Other option would be to create a `config.template.json` that holds template data which can be easily used with `cp config.template.json config.json`. IMO, best route would be to script a logical...
I would recommend asking in https://github.com/actions/runner repository
Only `python` is installed
Will check later if it isn't super big, then I can add it
I'm not aware of any such actions
That just seems like a laziness to not use `jq` + `curl` There is ~10k actions available on GitHub, I can't satisfy everyone's needs. If you need `gh`, `full-latest`/`full-20.04`/`full-18.04` has...
> Is there any way to see what the official runners are installing? I mean, I guess I could write an action to tar everything up and send it to...
I'll leave issue open since I'm going to make better image (bigger than `act-*`, smaller than `full-*`) but will it be tomorrow, will it be in few months, who knows....
custom images available which include `gh` + more `ghcr.io/catthehacker/ubuntu:custom-latest` `ghcr.io/catthehacker/ubuntu:custom-20.04`
> Is there download links for Microsoft/GitHub's official tar files? tar files of images?