android-gpuimage copied to clipboard
Android filters based on OpenGL (idea from GPUImage for iOS)
I have recycler view that displays various filters on ImageView. when user clicks on recycler view item I am passing the GpuImageFilter through an interface to the activity. In activity,...
- Blend photo with custom color without create new solid color bitmap. Ex: float[] mVec4RedColor = new float[]{1f,0f,0f,1f}; GPUImageOverlayColorBlendFilter filter = new GPUImageOverlayColorBlendFilter(mVec4RedColor);
## What does this change? In the business code, many if and else case judgments are used, and the interface is suitable to reduce this kind of code.
Hello I am trying to achieve a filter effect similar to iOS SharpenLuminescence: ``` extension SharpenLuminescence { func filter(_ image: CIImage) -> CIImage { image.applyingFilter( "CISharpenLuminance", parameters: [ kCIInputSharpnessKey: sharpness,...
When using GPUImageLookupFilter, error messages appear in the log (as you can see in the photo). The first error message looks like this: `E/emuglGLESv2_enc: device/generic/goldfish-opengl/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.cpp:s_glEnableVertexAttribArray:872 GL error 0x501 Info: Invalid...
Hi... I have an app where I have both a camera activity and a photo picker, based off of the sample project. I am using a GPUImage instance to attach...
# Future Task Why does GLTextureView's render thread is not constructed on handler thread ## What is the motivation? I'm trying use GLTextureView to render some custom shader. There is...
2022-01-06 16:18:24 32072-32072/? A/DEBUG: backtrace: 2022-01-06 16:18:24 32072-32072/? A/DEBUG: #00 pc 00000000003e7294 /apex/ (art::JNI::GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(_JNIEnv*, _jarray*, unsigned char*)+612) (BuildId: 5507e0405072e431616851bd75037326) 2022-01-06 16:18:24 32072-32072/? A/DEBUG: #01 pc 0000000000000944 /data/app/com.sdfwq.videoeffects-Ykn3zRtlfNRtABX6QOBalA==/lib/arm64/ (Java_jp_co_cyberagent_android_gpuimage_GPUImageNativeLibrary_YUVtoRBGA+88) (BuildId: f7739d3957210f5c0d34829e8ddf12f08dfbdbd8)...
I have used this GpuImageView. I have tried to show Ic_launcher in that. I got image but transparent are converted into Black are. I have attached image here. How to...