Forgot that: `int utf8_to_utf8_char_vec` needs to be changed to: `void utf8_to_utf8_char_vec` as there is no return. This causes a segfault.
Hi @jonathangoeke, I could do that but it would take 3-4 days to reprocess all the data, so are you sure this is necessary? I'll note that these are not...
@jonathangoeke 1. Basecalled epinano-yeast KO1-3 and WT1-3 using guppy 4.5.4 2. ```minimap2 -ax map-ont --secondary=no -t 24 Yeast_sk1.fa``` each sample. Yeast_sk1.fa is from 3. ```samtools sort sample.sam > sample.bam```...
@jonathangoeke, the epinano paper uses the SK1 strain which is why they provided the fasta file and directly align to it without using spliced alignments. Unfortunately there is no transcriptome,...