Lucas Pearson

Results 9 comments of Lucas Pearson

@goodforever I double-checked and I was able to get Postgres working. Changed server.go to have ``` db := models.NewPostgresDB("postgres://postgres:password@localhost/pqgotest?sslmode=disable") ``` Instead of ``` db := models.NewSqliteDB("data.db") ``` Make sure that...

Along these same line it would be nice if it could detect that a local copy of the ollama service is already running and just use that interface instead of...

@aelsabbahy any suggestions on how to get the current version of goss down into the NewDefHTTP function?

@aelsabbahy I thought about this a little bit and since the util package is already included in the http code perhaps it might make sense to add it there. I...

Yeah I shouldn't be surprised I tried editing it through GitHub because I wasn't at a computer. 🤦‍♂️

@aelsabbahy I know it was just because of whatever character was in there but it does crack me up a little bit that in that last run Windows was like...

Well I was trying to figure out why Linux was failing but perhaps that is expected behavior in the pipeline?

@aelsabbahy ah I believe that's a different error then I was getting locally or perhaps what I was getting just didn't make sense for it to be this error. Either...

I've not found a personal use. I worked in DevOps for a while and I was going to use it for health checks and maybe even regression test for a...