cassie101 您好,感谢您的分享,看了这段关于reg生成heatmap的代码,是在cx,cy周围(左与上边2个pixel;右与下边3个pixel)也附上reg值,但在不同位置时调整偏移是根据 `img_size//4/2-1`,相当与图的一半。这样的操作导致比如 - cx,cy在图上半部分,reg值在cx,cy周围反而偏多或少了?
Hi @bearpaw thank you for sharing the work, may I know what does the 0.5 stand for in the loss function? `loss += 0.5 * self.criterion(heatmap_pred, heatmap_gt)`
Hi @wywu, we noticed that some of the points for testing are strangely labeled. For example, in image 20_Family_Group_Family_Group_20_118.jpg, the landmark for point 88 (left inner lips) and 92 (right...
Hi, codeserver seems to be running bare bone, similar to a system terminal. Is there anywhere we could run codeserver that uses computing resource with gpu such as pytorch-1-8-gpu-py3-ml-g4dn-xlarge?