I create colored version demo, based on the demo from readme file. word, text, -> blue tone excel, sheet -> green tone video, audio -> purple tone image -> orange...
**_Bug report_** * [o ] I've checked documentation and searched for existing issues * [o] I've made sure my project is based on the latest MST version * [o] Fork...
I've installed this library and used exactly as same as example code. My app is rendering A/B test properly, as my Google optimize experiment setup. But, when I insert simple...
Thanks to create this project. The idea of carlo is very interesting. However, when I install the example project and bundle it, it's package size is so large more than...
I've spent long hour to modify sidebar navigation to hide status bar when side menu open. I want to create pull request but due to my lack of knowledge, I...
I'm migrating from 2.x to 3.x. For example, I created my fsm like this ``` const myFsm = new StateMachin({ init: 'Created', transitions: [ {name: 'TransA', from: 'Created', to: 'StateA'},... Please go to above repo page and read docs. I strongly recommend to clone the repo and run the code. ------- I don't know where to share & publish...
When I execute "pod install --no-repo-update", the result message is `[!] Unable to find a specification for UIDropDown ` I enlisted this library at pod file ``` target 'MyProject' do...
Hi. Thank you for create this library. While I use this, my vscode show this warning message at the require statement. Currently, I'm not using typescript, only use es2015. [ts]...
Hi. Thanks for writing this mixin. While I use this mixin, I face a situation to use a 'before delete' hook. So I added and tested, but not working. By...