FacadeParsing copied to clipboard
A project to parsing building facade from point cloud.
|- ParsingEngine: The Root Directory. |- 3rd: Contains third party libraries. |- CalculateFeature: Tool for calculating point cloud features. |- CmdUtility: Tool for Parsing command line arguments and initialize algorithm parameters. |- CompareResultTool: Tool for comparing the parsing result and original point cloud. |- CreateGridTool: Tool for creating the building grid using the transformed build point cloud plane. |- Debug: Contains the .exe programs. |- Doc: Contains the Doxygen documents. |- Experiments: Contains all the experiments data. |- ParsingFacadeTool: Tool Using the reforcement learning and shape grammar to parse the building facade. |- PclCore: Wrap of the PCL lib for some often used functions. |- RawData: This folder contains the original point cloud data. |- ReinforcementLearningCore: The reforcement learning lib. |- ResultGallery: Contains the parsing result of each experiment. |- ReviseGridTool: Tool to refine the grid manually. |- ShapeGrammarCore: The shape grammar lib. |- TestResults: The unit test result. |- TestShapeGrammar: A project to test the shape grammar lib. |- TransformPointCloudTool: Tool to alin the point cloud to X-Y plane. |- ParsingEngine.sln: The Project Solution. |- key guid.txt: The key short cut when open a viewer in either program. |- ReadMe: Contains the describle of the directory tree.