Thanks for getting back to me! I think I have found the problem. I am almost positive that all my electronics are in working order. So I thought that maybe...
Ok, I was successful in downloading all the proper drivers and libraries. But when I try to upload to my trinket pro, I get this error message: Arduino: 1.8.1 (Windows...
I downloaded an earlier version of arduino IDE (1.6.8) and verified the code. It still has the same switch issue when I upload it. I'm at a lost. I don't...
I got arduino 1.6.4 on my desktop computer, and it seems to work better than my laptop. The sketch verifies right away, but when I upload it, another error comes...
Sketch uses 7,194 bytes (25%) of program storage space. Maximum is 28,672 bytes. Global variables use 277 bytes of dynamic memory.
It didn't work. Sorry it took so long to get back to you! I don't know what I'm doing wrong. A detailed set of instructions on how you downloaded everything...