Carsten Bauer

Results 99 comments of Carsten Bauer

Would have wanted this again today (for broadcasting scalars). What do you think Simon, should we merge this?

> I suppose that one dimension is the imaginary time and another is the spatial coordinate, but I'm not sure which is which. No, this is the equal-(imaginary) time Green's...

Put a `delete!(file, "A", A)` before your`write`. Note, however, that HDF5 doesn't always actually free the space. So your file might be growing although you have the same size object...


I (think I) could trace this down to ```julia _write(parent::Union{JldFile, JldGroup}, name::String, s, wsession::JldWriteSession; kargs...) = write_compound(parent, name, s, wsession) function write_compound(parent::Union{JldFile, JldGroup}, name::String, s, wsession::JldWriteSession; kargs...) T = typeof(s)...

I'm in the process of writing a few tests. I noticed that while the rules work in the first case they don't in the second. Why? ```Julia julia> simplify((cos(x)^2 -...

Another thing that I don't understand. ```Julia julia> ar = @acrule(2*sinh(~x)*cosh(~x) => sinh(2 * ~x)) ACRule(2 * sinh(~x) * cosh(~x) => sinh(2 * ~x)) julia> ar(2*sinh(x)*cosh(x)) sinh(2x) ``` but ```Julia...

If someone could give me some feedback on why the examples above don't work as expected I would try to finish this PR soon.

Since I know that you're interested in these things, maybe a bit of background. A C++ friend gave me this code (.txt because GitHub doesn't allow .cpp): [Ising2D.txt]( and told...

I realised that when I use the somewhat outdated `@unroll` macro from and hardcode the loop length (i.e. replace `Ny` by 64) like so ```Julia function energy(spin_conf) (Nx, Ny)...