do you mean the flows? and by evaluate what do you mean? you can use your model on the command line with `python -m cellpose --dir /path/to/images --pretrained_model name_in_gui`
you can get it in the same way, the flows are saved in the `_seg.npy` file as a dictionary key, after you run the new model
just to clarify here, you made a new environment with `conda create --name cellpose python=3.8`?
thanks for the help, I'll provide this info in the readme
can you provide more context on your input images? is this on the command line or in a notebook?
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do you have an image you can post as an example? I'd recommend maybe retraining the model if cellpose is merging your masks. you can alternatively use a decreased diameter...
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are you using a clean conda environment? sometimes the installed conda version has issues
(clean meaning `conda create --name cellpose python=3.8`, this makes an environment with only python)