César Augusto
César Augusto
Remembering that if you can manage the server side, you can configure CORS there ;)
It does, @brianreavis, thanks! 💯 After that, I observed that the path designated for storing cache contains only some few png for zoom level 14 (I guess), but I already...
It worked @brianreavis, thanks a lot! One last thing (:P): when I try `/profile`, server stops with: ``` /home/osboxes/tilestrata/node_modules/tilestrata/lib/TileServer.js:340 plugin_name: getplugin(plugin, layer, file).plugin.name || '', ^ TypeError: Cannot read property...
That's it, thanks for your work, @brianreavis, it's really nice! When I try `return image.resize(256).quality(80).webp();`, as seen [in sample](https://github.com/naturalatlas/tilestrata-sharp#sample-usage) I get error 500. How can I figure out why? Only...
@brianreavis There are any logging available?
Just updated everything in project (tns to 3.4.0, angular to 5, etc) and now webview is not being displayed. Any ideas? I see this in console: `JS: ERROR TypeError: Cannot...
I've done some work about it, but I'm not that React expert ;)
Nice! Actually, I'm trying to discover what one is able to achieve with current cmv's widgets regarding feature creation/editing, etc. Things like what is available in this [sandbox](http://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/sandbox/sandbox.html?sample=ed_default_editingwidget), I think...
I clarified the issues about security/authentication reading @DavidSpriggs answer in [Issue 188](https://github.com/cmv/cmv-app/issues/188). Thanks!
Hey @slowe71, I just tested it with _Editor widget_ and as @DavidSpriggs said, the `toggleEditing` method ended like this: ``` javascript``` toggleEditing : function () { if (!this.isEdit) { var...