Caroline Lennartsson
Caroline Lennartsson
I'm afraid that I've allowed almost my ram for this preprocessing, over 30gb. Anything else I can try?
I am also encountering errors while importing identify files using ms-gf+ in searchGUI. I'm posting this here because it sounds relevant to this thread.
Thank you, I found it. :) I'll try it out!
It can't handle digestion from both N- and C- term, unfortunately. All amino acids gets defined as "cleaved after".
Thank you for looking into it! I know andromeda allows this already but I'm not sure of how the other softwares handles it. I'm looking forward to the update then....
No problem, there seem to be some issues regarding the comet and X! Tandem searches. There seem to be an loading issue with Comet. And there also seem to be...
Alright, that would fix the problem. Thank you!
Yes, the issue is resolved. Thank you.