Is there any update on this? Any word from the developers? It makes Eclair-Mobile pretty unusable even on Testnet. This is _random_. Happened to me multiple times. There is nothing...
@pm47 Thank you for comments. I appreciate them. I will post when I have some logs.
I have the same issue. Note that also sending an on-chain tx fails. Use this mnemonic to debug on Eclair Mobile Testnet: **undo assist essay swift ticket fossil tiny duty...
Edit: Oops, sorry, wrong issue.
@Cobra-Bitcoin kudos and respect. In the end we are all real people. Whoever misuses our identity for real-world hurt, is not worthy of your time. Even our real identities are...
https://github.com/bitcoin-sv/bitcoin-sv/issues/210 Also here: https://gist.github.com/carnhofdaki/28af01c52df57cb4672f74408616bd55
@carsenk Thank you. Yes, I trust your proof of word. Now please stay calm and read that issue again, as a joke. (HINT: Yes, the [IPFS-linked](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmRA3NWM82ZGynMbYzAgYTSXCVM14Wx1RZ8fKP42G6gjgj) bitcoin.pdf's SHA256 sum is...
Sure. Closing.