Carlton Dunlap

Results 7 comments of Carlton Dunlap

Temporarily this could be achieved by sending audio to a [Snapcast]( snapserver on one pi that is running snapserver and snapclient and the rest of the pi's just running snapclient...

I was able to get a loopback method working with [Librespot]( (dependency of rasp-tidy) back in September of last year for my longboard before I broke the damn thing haha....

I got my setup working well and wanted to share... :D --- Purpose: - Alleviate the need for a microphone - Soley sample the streamed audio (not ambient noise) -...

> I used this config from > > **Record audio from an application while also routing the audio to an output device** > > ``` > modprobe snd-aloop pcm_substreams=1...

@JohnGuan in my asound.conf I have my loop configured a lil different, worth a try: pcm.loopin { type plug slave.pcm "plughw:Loopback,0,0" } pcm.loopout { type plug slave.pcm "plughw:Loopback,1,0" }

@JohnGuan weird, mine works just fine using BlueALSA as an A2DP 😆 I’ll have to mess with shairport sometime soon.

> or snapcast snapclient? Snapcast worked when I tried it initially. I dont know if it has support for DLNA though. Also bluealsa method isn’t as easy with raspberry pi...