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09_ARMv8_内嵌汇编(内联汇编)Inline assembly

Open carloscn opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

09_ARMv8_内嵌汇编(内联汇编)Inline assembly


1. 基本用法

1.1 基础内联汇编格式

Define:asm ("asm instruction")


asm(icicalluis) 调用一条高速缓存维护指令。

1.2 扩展内联汇编代码

  • Define:asm qualifier-asm (AssemblerInstruction)

  • Instruction:

    • 格式:指令部分:输出部分:输入部分:损坏部分
    • 编译器不会解析,按照字符串处理
  • 限定词:volatile,inline

    • volatile:无特殊情况下的限定词
    • inline:asm的语句视为代码最小可能性


static inline unsigned long array_index_mask_nospec(unsigned long idx, unsigned long sz)
	unsigned long mask;
  asm volatile(
  "			cmp			%1, %2\n"								// 指令部第一行
  "     sbc     %0, xzr, xzr\n"         // 指令部第二行,使用\n换行
  : "=r" (mask)                         // 输出部分,指定只写属性的变量mask(%0)
  : "r" (idx), "Ir" (sz)                // 输入部分,执行只读部分的变量idx(%1), sz(%2)
  : "cc");                              // 损坏部分,跳出汇编
  return mask;


static inline unsigned long arch_local_irq_save(void)
  unsigned long flags;
  asm volatile(
  "			mrs		%0, daif\n"
  "     msr   daifset, #2\n"
  : "=r" (flag)
  : "memory"

1.2.1 修饰符[^1]

C Describe
= Means that this operand is written to by this instruction: the previous value is discarded and replaced by new data. (只能写)
+ Means that this operand is both read and written by the instruction. (读写)
& Means (in a particular alternative) that this operand is an earlyclobber operand, which is written before the instruction is finished using the input operands. Therefore, this operand may not lie in a register that is read by the instruction or as part of any memory address.(输入参数的指令执行完成之后才能写入)

1.2.2 约束符[^2]

C Describe
p An operand that is a valid memory address is allowed. This is for “load address” and “push address” instructions. (内存地址)
m A memory operand is allowed, with any kind of address that the machine supports in general. Note that the letter used for the general memory constraint can be re-defined by a back end using the TARGET_MEM_CONSTRAINT macro.(内存变量)
o A memory operand is allowed, but only if the address is offsettable. This means that adding a small integer (actually, the width in bytes of the operand, as determined by its machine mode) may be added to the address and the result is also a valid memory address.(内存地址,基地址寻址)
r A register operand is allowed provided that it is in a general register. 通用寄存器
i An immediate integer operand (one with constant value) is allowed. This includes symbolic constants whose values will be known only at assembly time or later. 立即数
V A memory operand that is not offsettable. In other words, anything that would fit the ‘m’ constraint but not the ‘o’ constraint. 内存变量,不允许偏移的内存操作数
n An immediate integer operand with a known numeric value is allowed. Many systems cannot support assembly-time constants for operands less than a word wide. Constraints for these operands should use ‘n’ rather than ‘i’.离结束


C Describe
k The stack pointer register (SP)
w Floating point register, Advanced SIMD vector register or SVE vector register
x Like w, but restricted to registers 0 to 15 inclusive.
y Like w, but restricted to registers 0 to 7 inclusive.
Upl One of the low eight SVE predicate registers (P0 to P7)
Upa Any of the SVE predicate registers (P0 to P15)
I Integer constant that is valid as an immediate operand in an ADD instruction
J Integer constant that is valid as an immediate operand in a SUB instruction (once negated)
K Integer constant that can be used with a 32-bit logical instruction
L Integer constant that can be used with a 32-bit logical instruction
M Integer constant that is valid as an immediate operand in a 32-bit MOV pseudo instruction. The MOV may be assembled to one of several different machine instructions depending on the value
N Integer constant that is valid as an immediate operand in a 64-bit MOV pseudo instruction
S An absolute symbolic address or a label reference
Y Floating point constant zero
Z Integer constant zero
Ush The high part (bits 12 and upwards) of the pc-relative address of a symbol within 4GB of the instruction
Q A memory address which uses a single base register with no offset
Ump A memory address suitable for a load/store pair instruction in SI, DI, SF and DF modes


void my_atomic_add(unsigned long val, void *p)
  unsigned long tmp;
  int result;
  asm volatile (
  "		1: 	ldxr %0, [%2]\n"
  "       add %0, %0, %3\n"
  "       stxr %w1, %0, [%2]\n"
  "       cbnz %w1, 1b\m"
  : "+r" (tmp), "+r" (result), "+Q" (*(unsigned long *)p)
  : "r" (val)
  : "cc", "memory"


int add(int i, int j) {
  int ret = 0;
  asm volatile (
  "	add %w[result], %w[input_i], %w[input_j]\n"
  : [result] "=r" (res)
  : [input_i] "r" (i), [input_j] "r" (j)


void test_memcpy(void)
    unsigned long src_addr = 0x80000, dest_addr = 0x200000;
    unsigned long sz = 32;

    asm volatile (
    "       mov x6, %x[_src_addr]\n"
    "       mov x7, %x[_dest_addr]\n"
    "       add x8, x6, %x[_sz]\n"
    "   1:  ldr x9, [x6], #8\n"
    "       str x9, [x7], #8\n"
    "       cmp x6, x8\n"
    " 1b\n"
    : [_src_addr] "r" (src_addr), [_dest_addr] "r" (dest_addr), [_sz] "r" (sz)
    : "cc", "memory"


  • GDB不能单步调试内联汇编。建议使用纯汇编单独编写调试之后移植到C语言内部。
  • 内联汇编的参数属性是易错点。
  • 输出部和输入部的修饰符不能用错,否则程序会跑飞。比如参数寄存器x0,指定在输入部,汇编内部对参数做了修改比如用了add指令,那么就跑飞了。


void test_memset(void)
    unsigned long addr = 0x80000;
    unsigned long sz = 16;
    unsigned long i = 0;

    asm volatile (
    "       mov x4, #0\n"
    "   1:  stp %x[_count], %x[_count], [%x[_addr]], #16\n"
    "       add %x[_sz], %x[_sz], #16\n"
    "       cmp %x[_sz], %x[_addr]\n"
    "       bne 1b\n"
    : [_addr] "+r" (addr), [_sz] "+r" (sz), [_count] "+r" (i)
    : "memory"

2. 宏函数


#define MY_OPS(ops, asm_ops)                                        \
static inline void my_asm_##ops(unsigned long mask, void *p) {      \
    unsigned long tmp;                                              \
    asm volatile (                                                  \
        "       ldr %1, [%0]\n"                                     \
        "       "#asm_ops" %1, %1, %2\n"                            \
        "       str %1, [%0]\n"                                     \
        : "+r" (p), "+r" (tmp)                                      \
        : "r" (mask)                                                \
        : "memory"                                                  \
    );                                                              \

MY_OPS(or, orr)
MY_OPS(and, and)
MY_OPS(andnot, bic)


  • my_asm_or
  • my_asm_and
  • my_asm_andnot

这三个函数只是在内联汇编里面 "#asm_ops"位置不同。


[^1]:GCC - Constraint Modifier Characters [^2]:GCC - Simple Constraints [^3]:GCC - Constraints for Particular Machines

carloscn avatar Apr 11 '22 07:04 carloscn

carloscn avatar Apr 11 '22 07:04 carloscn


df13954 avatar Jun 29 '23 02:06 df13954