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[Android] Android Security Arch Overview
- Book -- Android Security Internals An In-Depth Guide to Android's Security Architecture
1. Android Security Arch
1.1 Security Model
在信息安全领域,依赖单一的安全机制往往是不足够的,因为每种机制都可能有其局限性和潜在的漏洞。因此,系统安全性更多地依赖于多种机制的组合,这种方法被称为“防御深度”(defense in depth)。一个全面的、多层次的安全策略被认为是保护信息系统安全的最佳实践。因此,有必要拿出一些篇幅,解释Android的安全模型,以联合Android的所有安全话题。
"Android的Security Model"(Android的安全模型)指的是Android操作系统用于保护设备和数据安全的一系列策略、机制和技术。这个安全模型旨在防止恶意软件攻击和未授权访问,同时确保用户数据的隐私和完整性。
1.1.1 Android Arch
Android 软件堆栈是指构成 Android 操作系统的各个软件层级和组件。这个堆栈包括从底层的硬件抽象层到用户界面的各个部分。下面是一个简单的概述:
- Linux 内核:Android 基于 Linux 内核,它处理诸如系统安全、内存管理、进程管理、网络堆栈和驱动程序等核心系统功能。
- 硬件抽象层(HAL):这一层为上层的 Android 框架提供标准接口,用于访问硬件功能。每种硬件(如摄像头、蓝牙模块等)都有自己的接口。
- 原生用户空间(Native Userspace):这一层包括各种系统库,它们支持 Android 的核心功能,如图形处理、数据存储和网页浏览等。
- Android 运行时(ART)和 Dalvik 虚拟机:这些是 Android 的应用运行环境。ART 为应用程序提供了垃圾回收、编译和执行环境。
- Java API 框架:这层提供了构建 Android 应用所需的各种 API。开发者可以利用这些 API 访问设备功能,如用户界面、资源管理等。
- 系统应用:这包括一系列内置的 Android 应用,如电话、联系人、短信等。
整个堆栈工作在一起,使 Android 设备能够运行各种应用程序和服务,同时为最终用户提供丰富的交互体验。每一层都在为更高层提供服务,同时依赖更低层的功能和资源。
1.1.2 Android Security Topics
基于Android Stack 和 以下为整理出来的基于Android架构的安全话题。
2. Security Checklist for APPs
根据Android Security Arch,我们对APP做以下要求。该要求为 OWASP开源组织设计。我们分别从以下维度做限制,分别考虑,架构层级的设计、数据保密性和隐私、使用密码学算法、认证管理、网络安全、以及抗逆向工程的要求。
2.1 Architecture, Design and Threat Modeling Requirements
V1 | Architecture, design and threat modelling | L1 | L2 | 参考 | ||
1.1 | MSTG-ARCH-1 | All app components are identified and known to be needed. | ✓ | ✓ | Architectural Information | |
1.2 | MSTG-ARCH-2 | Security controls are never enforced only on the client side, but on the respective remote endpoints. | ✓ | ✓ | Injection Flaws (MSTG-ARCH-2 and MSTG-PLATFORM-2) | |
1.3 | MSTG-ARCH-3 | A high-level architecture for the mobile app and all connected remote services has been defined and security has been addressed in that architecture. | ✓ | ✓ | Architectural Information | |
1.4 | MSTG-ARCH-4 | Data considered sensitive in the context of the mobile app is clearly identified. | ✓ | ✓ | Identifying Sensitive Data | |
1.5 | MSTG-ARCH-5 | All app components are defined in terms of the business functions and/or security functions they provide. | ✓ | N/A | Environmental Information | |
1.6 | MSTG-ARCH-6 | A threat model for the mobile app and the associated remote services has been produced that identifies potential threats and countermeasures. | ✓ | N/A | Mapping the Application | |
1.7 | MSTG-ARCH-7 | All security controls have a centralized implementation. | ✓ | N/A | Testing for insecure Configuration of Instant Apps (MSTG-ARCH-1, MSTG-ARCH-7) | |
1.8 | MSTG-ARCH-8 | There is an explicit policy for how cryptographic keys (if any) are managed, and the lifecycle of cryptographic keys is enforced. Ideally, follow a key management standard such as NIST SP 800-57. | ✓ | N/A | Cryptographic policy | |
1.9 | MSTG-ARCH-9 | A mechanism for enforcing updates of the mobile app exists. | ✓ | N/A | Testing enforced updating (MSTG-ARCH-9) | |
1.10 | MSTG-ARCH-10 | Security is addressed within all parts of the software development lifecycle. | ✓ | N/A | Security Testing and the SDLC | |
1.11 | MSTG-ARCH-11 | A responsible disclosure policy is in place and effectively applied. | ✓ | N/A | ||
1.12 | MSTG-ARCH-12 | The app should comply with privacy laws and regulations. | ✓ | ✓ |
V1 | 架构、设计和威胁建模 | L1 | L2 | 参考 | ||
1.1 | MSTG-ARCH-1 | 已识别出所有应用组件,并确认它们是必需的。 | ✓ | ✓ | Architectural Information | |
1.2 | MSTG-ARCH-2 | 安全控制不仅仅在客户端强制执行,也要在相应的远端端点强制执行。 | ✓ | ✓ | Injection Flaws (MSTG-ARCH-2 and MSTG-PLATFORM-2) | |
1.3 | MSTG-ARCH-3 | 已定义移动应用及所有连接的远程服务的高层架构,并在该架构中解决了安全问题。 | ✓ | ✓ | Architectural Information | |
1.4 | MSTG-ARCH-4 | 清晰地识别了在移动应用上下文中被认为是敏感的数据。 | ✓ | ✓ | Identifying Sensitive Data | |
1.5 | MSTG-ARCH-5 | 所有应用组件都根据它们提供的业务功能和/或安全功能来定义。 | ✓ | N/A | Environmental Information | |
1.6 | MSTG-ARCH-6 | 已生成移动应用及其关联远程服务的威胁模型,识别出潜在威胁和对策。 | ✓ | N/A | Mapping the Application | |
1.7 | MSTG-ARCH-7 | 所有安全控制都有一个集中实施的机制。 | ✓ | N/A | Testing for insecure Configuration of Instant Apps (MSTG-ARCH-1, MSTG-ARCH-7) | |
1.8 | MSTG-ARCH-8 | 明确的密钥管理政策,强制执行密钥生命周期。理想情况下,遵循密钥管理标准,如NIST SP 800-57。 | ✓ | N/A | Cryptographic policy | |
1.9 | MSTG-ARCH-9 | 存在强制更新移动应用的机制。 | ✓ | N/A | Testing enforced updating (MSTG-ARCH-9) | |
1.10 | MSTG-ARCH-10 | 在软件开发生命周期的所有部分中都解决了安全问题。 | ✓ | N/A | Security Testing and the SDLC | |
1.11 | MSTG-ARCH-11 | 已经建立并有效执行的负责任披露政策。 | ✓ | N/A | ||
1.12 | MSTG-ARCH-12 | 应用应遵守隐私法律和规定。 | ✓ | ✓ |
2.2 Data Storage and Privacy
- 共享偏好设置
- SQLite数据库
- Firebase数据库
- Realm数据库
- 内部存储
- 外部存储
- Keystore
- 日志功能
- Android备份
- 进程内存
- 键盘缓存
- 屏幕截图
V2 | Data Storage and Privacy | |||||
2.1 | MSTG-STORAGE‑1 | System credential storage facilities need to be used to store sensitive data, such as PII, user credentials or cryptographic keys. | ✓ | ✓ | Testing Local Storage for Sensitive Data (MSTG-STORAGE-1 and MSTG-STORAGE-2) | |
2.2 | MSTG-STORAGE‑2 | No sensitive data should be stored outside of the app container or system credential storage facilities. | Testing Local Storage for Sensitive Data (MSTG-STORAGE-1 and MSTG-STORAGE-2) | |||
2.3 | MSTG-STORAGE‑3 | No sensitive data is written to application logs. | ✓ | ✓ | Testing Logs for Sensitive Data (MSTG-STORAGE-3) | |
2.4 | MSTG-STORAGE‑4 | No sensitive data is shared with third parties unless it is a necessary part of the architecture. | ✓ | ✓ | Determining Whether Sensitive Data is Sent to Third Parties (MSTG-STORAGE-4) | |
2.5 | MSTG-STORAGE‑5 | The keyboard cache is disabled on text inputs that process sensitive data. | ✓ | ✓ | Determining Whether the Keyboard Cache Is Disabled for Text Input Fields (MSTG-STORAGE-5) | |
2.6 | MSTG-STORAGE‑6 | No sensitive data is exposed via IPC mechanisms. | ✓ | ✓ | Determining Whether Sensitive Stored Data Has Been Exposed via IPC Mechanisms (MSTG-STORAGE-6) | |
2.7 | MSTG-STORAGE‑7 | No sensitive data, such as passwords or pins, is exposed through the user interface. | ✓ | ✓ | Checking for Sensitive Data Disclosure Through the User Interface (MSTG-STORAGE-7) | |
2.8 | MSTG-STORAGE‑8 | No sensitive data is included in backups generated by the mobile operating system. | ✓ | N/A | Testing Backups for Sensitive Data (MSTG-STORAGE-8) | |
2.9 | MSTG-STORAGE‑9 | The app removes sensitive data from views when moved to the background. | ✓ | N/A | Finding Sensitive Information in Auto-Generated Screenshots (MSTG-STORAGE-9) | |
2.10 | MSTG-STORAGE‑10 | The app does not hold sensitive data in memory longer than necessary, and memory is cleared explicitly after use. | ✓ | N/A | Checking Memory for Sensitive Data (MSTG-STORAGE-10) | |
2.11 | MSTG-STORAGE‑11 | The app enforces a minimum device-access-security policy, such as requiring the user to set a device passcode. | ✓ | N/A | Testing the Device-Access-Security Policy (MSTG-STORAGE-11) | |
2.12 | MSTG-STORAGE‑12 | The app educates the user about the types of personally identifiable information processed, as well as security best practices the user should follow in using the app. | ✓ | N/A | Testing User Education (MSTG-STORAGE-12) | |
2.13 | MSTG-STORAGE‑13 | No sensitive data should be stored locally on the mobile device. Instead, data should be retrieved from a remote endpoint when needed and only be kept in memory. | ✓ | N/A | ||
2.14 | MSTG-STORAGE‑14 | If sensitive data is still required to be stored locally, it should be encrypted using a key derived from hardware backed storage which requires authentication. | ✓ | N/A | ||
2.15 | MSTG-STORAGE‑15 | The app’s local storage should be wiped after an excessive number of failed authentication attempts. | ✓ | N/A |