
Results 10 comments of carlosagsmendes

Hey @kurkle thank you for the tips. I tried adding sideEffects to the package.json but there is no difference in the bundle size. Webpack is bundling the whole library even...

Yes, I tried it out on my root package.json and on node_modules/chart.js/package.json and there's no difference. Thank you!

I confirm that I did the same tests using NextJS with Webpack, production build and it doesn't work

I'm sorry to chime in, but I couldn't help to imagine Andrew Clark's reaction to so many spinners when I saw this demo for the first time (and I don't...

> Also keep in mind that this router object only has `query`, `route` and `asPath` fields... Thanks for the clarification. But the plans are to get back access to the...

> @Bazzer588 The general recommendation is to `useReducer`. > > That said, your particular example can be solved like this but it is pretty unusual to not depend on any...

Hey, we want to adopt tiptap but not supporting mentions on Android is a big showstopper. What's the best workaround available? Add the delete button to the mention? Thanks in...

Hey @beshanoe, did you make any progress on using mobx-react-form with mobx-state-tree? Thanks

Thanks for the feedback. I should get back to this in a couple of weeks and will report my findings back

Hi @andrefox333, unfortunately not much. I would really like to have 'mobx-react-form' working with MST but I haven't found a way to [extend MST models]( Apparently, we cannot extend primitive...