Luis Carlos Cruz Carballo

Results 16 issues of Luis Carlos Cruz Carballo

If window has splited buffers all buffers are update with the active current one instead of each buffer keeps its own lsp status data.

Error: Cannot find module 'alt/utils/ImmutableUtil'


getting this message `pack/packer/start/Shade.nvim/lua/shade.lua:278: Invalid window id: 1004`

As I am using nightly builds with lua plugins (LSP) I am not using any more deoplete. But I know deoplete is evolving and today deoplete-ternjs is outdated and have...

Support any other output format from formatters? Looking a way to get eslint working without writing do disk with **doesWriteToFile** I saw documentation that says: > This option has the...


The tabline is really good and would be good to match colors with current color schema

help wanted

There is a way to configure the highlights for each block and inject separators. Thanks for the plugin!

help wanted
good first issue

After last update calling this method freezes neovim

As was described in this PR snippets.nvim has support but it is not expanding well the snippets **My testing minimal init.lua** ```lua local api = vim.api local cmd =...

It fallbacks to vim search and displays two block on cursor.