Hi, see Regards Quoting Laurent Denoue : > hi, > In your video controlling 2 servos, you say it might be possible to > use the 5V to power...
Copyright marks are fine with MIT. Every author gains copyright by creating a piece of work automatically. By publishing it, the code additionally gets licensed under MIT, so everyone can...
Comment: I'm using the library via composer's autoload
What is the `composer` line for this version? I cannot deploy a git version; would be cool to release the new version on composer.
see if you want to use it NOW, you can alternatively use the following fork:
As far as we can see, Travis CI yields some false positives. Correct me if I'm wrong.
> Do I undestand it correctly that even with `BtchBookg` set to false I would still be allowed to submit multiple transfers with a single TAN while having each transfer...
hoffen wir mal auf balidges Merge.