Enrico Carlesso
Enrico Carlesso
Hi all! Thanks for maintaining this awesome project! I submitted the first draft of the lexer for AWS Smithy (https://smithy.io/2.0). Comment/suggestions are welcome!
This is wonderful, thanks a ton!!! I can confirm my session is correctly forwarded when doing `wezterm connect`!
I have faced this problem too. If can help, I've traced the output of `vim --startuptime` for a file inside or outside of a rails projeect: - _Rails Project_ https://gist.github.com/carlesso/b234e0cb197251a9e9b3#file-with_vim_bundler-L146...
I've done a test commenting out the content of https://github.com/tpope/vim-bundler/blob/master/compiler/bundler.vim in my `.vim/bundle/vim-bundler/compiler/bundler.vim` and even if I agree with you and `compiler/bundler.vim` looks harmless, the results are the same as...
@partounian just put it in 3 lines: ``` if !has('gui_running') let g:solarized_termtrans=1 endif ``` Anyway, this doesn't fix the issue for me.
I take it back. Solutions works perfectly, just be aware you need to put it before your ``` colorscheme solarized ```