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Added new pedestrian, cant spawn Actor

Open MTeuberItemis opened this issue 10 months ago • 8 comments

Im using carla 0.9.13 built it on Windows from Source Python 3.7.9

I tried adding a new pedestrian, a wheelchair user.

To do that, I added the wheelchair first as a skeletal mesh in static

├─ Carla/
│  ├─ Static/
│  │  ├─ Pedestrian/
│  │  │  ├─ WheelchairUser_/
│  │  │  │  ├─ Meshes_/
│  │  │  │  │  ├─ Phsys_Wheelchair
│  │  │  │  │  ├─ SK_Wheelchair_Skeleton
│  │  │  │  │  ├─ SM_Wheelchair
│  │  │  │  ├─ MI/

Afterwards I created an Animation Blueprint that sits down the Generan skeletal mesh: Content\Carla\Static\Pedestrian\Animations\WheelchairUser\ABP_WheelchairUser

Then I created a general BP for wheelchair users that is the BP_Walker with the wheelchair sm added and some additional functionalities, such as sitting down the pedestrian. This is inspired by the way 2-wheeled vehicles handle sitting. Content\Carla\Blueprints\Walkers\BP_WheelchairUser

As a child of that I created BP_WheelchairUser_v1, which is data-only and assigns an ABP and Skeletal Mesh. I added this BP to the WalkerFactory and gave it a generation value of 3, so I can call it easier

Now when I run a modified, that only spawns BPs with generation value 3 (so only wheelchair users). Unfortunately this leads to following error:

ERROR: Unknown error while trying to spawn actor

in the UE Output log this looks as follows:

LogCarla: Spawning actor 'walker.pedestrian.0050' LogCarla: Warning: Failed to spawn actor 'walker.pedestrian.0050' LogCarla: Error: Actor not Spawned LogCarlaServer: Responding error: Unknown error while trying to spawn actor

Spawning normal pedestrians with generation value 2 doesnt lead to any problems.

Im guessing this is an error with the way I set up the new pedestrian. But I cant find any documentation about importing own walkers. Has anyone achieved this and can help me?

MTeuberItemis avatar Apr 17 '24 09:04 MTeuberItemis

I noticed some more weird behaviour. I noticed that the BPs actually get spawned in the scene, although the error message is shown. However they are not moving and are having the human model in wrong spot, while my created blueprint is posed correctly (when I just place it in the scene).

pose when spawned by script (with error message): image

pose when placed in scene: image

MTeuberItemis avatar Apr 17 '24 11:04 MTeuberItemis

Hi, I'm not sure if I understood your issue. The reason for the ABP is to detect which state the pedestrian is (idle, turning, walking running), and them play the according animation. This is made at the EventGraph image

DnDare avatar Apr 25 '24 16:04 DnDare

Then at the Animgraph tab, is where the State Machine handles the animations. image Inside there is a Blendspace (BS_GEN3_v2), handles idle, walking, running animations, The right and left turn animations are handled outside of the Blendspace.

*for the model you`re showing, you should use GEN2's ABP and Blendspace, (ABP_GEN2_vA, BS_GEN2_vA)


@MTeuberItemis have you changed the animations at the AnimGraph and Blendspace? Have you created the an animation set, for the wheelChair user?

Else , if I the issue is different , then tell me.

DnDare avatar Apr 25 '24 16:04 DnDare

The approach you reviewed from the 2-wheels vehicles, uses a different method. Uses Blueprints (AB_Biker) to place the skeletal mesh in position, then the hands are constrained to the handlebar, and the feet have constrains too.

I've to review it, but if you can make some animations set I'd go for the Blendspace/StateMachine option.

DnDare avatar Apr 25 '24 16:04 DnDare

I set up the ABP by copying the nodes from the 2WheelerABP and made the constraints work again. I for now just wanted to sit down the wheelchair user, without any additional animation. The sitting-downp-art of the ABP was working and I still dont really know, why they didnt move. But I actually found a solution in the last days. Before I duplicated the BP_Walker and created a separate BP for all wheelchair bps as a base. Now I tried to modify the BP_Walker and give him functions that attach a wheelchair and sit him down based on a bool. I still had to adjust the ABP but it seems like carla is only excepting the original BP_Walker as a base for modified pedestrians

MTeuberItemis avatar Apr 29 '24 05:04 MTeuberItemis

I couldn't review so much on this issue, The riders are constarined to a bone that is placed at the bike's seat.

Have you constarined the pedestrian to a joint located at the seat?

And by the image you show, I don't think the arm constraints are working at the simulation. I may be wrong, but maybe constraints are not working properlly

DnDare avatar May 10 '24 12:05 DnDare

image At the editor, can you see your bp broken like this one? They're not really broken, it is because of the constraints. This way you can tell they're working. Hope this helps.

DnDare avatar May 10 '24 13:05 DnDare

I managed to fix it now, by not using constraints, but just an animationBP that is sits the character in the right position. Its a bit more limited to that one type of wheelchair, but works for now.

MTeuberItemis avatar May 16 '24 08:05 MTeuberItemis