
Results 24 comments of CarlJin

最近把老项目从 webpack 迁移到 vite 时又遇到这个问题了,记录了下优化的方法, 虽然没有从实质上解决问题,但是也加速不少,[](

Hi, guys, I found a couple steps to optimize browser loading performance. Although it cannot solve the problem from the root cause, but it speeds up a lot. If u...

> Hi, guys, I found a couple steps to optimize browser loading performance. Although it cannot solve the problem from the root cause, but it speeds up a lot. >...

> > @AlonMiz, curious if you've improved your load performance in the interim -- we've got a project on a similar scale facing the same sorts of issues. Would love...

> > If you follow this you will get the correct signature. > > ``` > > def generate_signature(value): > > root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) > > > > response =...

> Same problem here... u can add a filter for audio to fix this bug put those code below in [audio.js]( ``` javascript '-map', 'a:0', '-c:a', 'flac', // ------ start...

yep > Is this problem caused by video files that have an audio duration which is shorter than the video (or vide versa)?

hi, @mifi , does 0.6.3 support resizeMode: contain-blur feature?

> 各位,我又回归 WebStorm 了 😂 > > 顺便分享一波我的 WebStorm 设置: 非常感谢作者的这篇文章加这段回复, 成功阻止了我瞎折腾的决心. 今天把phpstorm从2019.2.5 更新到2019.3配置和主题全部丢失了, 即使从远程账户更新也无效, 替换2019.2.5的配置文件也不行, 转眼一想整个团队都在用VSCode就我一个人在用phpstorm. 还要每年交$53, 还不如换了吧. 这篇文章从开头看到结尾 大概的心情是.... 我下定决心要换VSCode -> 要不要换? -> 算了吧还是继续交钱吧