
Results 28 comments of carbotaniuman

Would it be possible for unsafe blocks to be a superset of unconst blocks, so if you don't need unsafe you can just use unconst?

Could we add a const function for canonlicalizing the bits of a NaN, and CTFE error ia NaN is returned without going through that function? Although I'm not sure this... If we care about const functions being different at runtime, and not just between compile time and runtime, then the pointer machinery doesn't work either. Wait, I just remember...

Derp. I finished my reading of unconst, and it appears to just be restricting actions that aren't supported in CTFE and erroring. Deterministic and pure don't show up at...

@kriswiner I got something set up. Is there anything better for 6DoF accel + gyro fusion than an Extended Kalman Filter?

I'd love a way to enforce that all mutations must be performed in the context of an action (or with some escape hatch that can be linted against), simply because...

Any update or workarounds for this?

> I personally find the code size argument more convincing since it is backed by hard numbers which show the improvement. The exception safety argument is inherently subjective since it...

After a bit of research, I wanna say I don't particularly find the comparisons to C++ `noexcept` particularly compelling. In C++, the basic exception guarantee is as follows: > If...

It looks like you also forgot `vue-property-decorator` and `vue-class-component` in your dependency blocks.