Hakan Çetin

Results 10 comments of Hakan Çetin

@manoj7410 , Thanks for comment, Yes I tried both type-c and type-a. Even I tried to connect throug serial console.. But no way. Actually keyboard working at mendel's own shell...

hey, @manoj7410; New info: When I pressed super + tab (windows + tab) the screen shifts to terminal (background demo continue to work in full screen) This time object detection...

@kiteklan Özgür, did you solved the problem? Hakan

@PROGRAMMINGENGINEER-NIKI hi, I have the same issue. Have you solved the problem? I tried to change --max_age argument which keeps alive the traking number even not detected at next frames....

@MaloM-CVision I was searching the way of reseting id's (Whic I use Sort with Coral Dev board's object detection demo) Sort is embeded app. Please let me know how to...

@MaloM-CVision Thanks for quick reply. I have implemented bread counting (speed 1m/min [video] - means quite slow- (https://photos.app.goo.gl/3eXRtdsy7DWPcBZE6)) 1250x720:10 fpc usb web cam. Seams good but sometime object detection is...

@MaloM-CVision, Sorry again disturbing. actually model is very fast. And I use Google Coral device. Lite Tensorflow model also optimized for Coral's fast detection options. I think I came to...

@MaloM-CVision Thanks again for your effort. I think I can solve the problem with `--max_age` argument in sort.py. (Means if not detect at next frame, kill the tracklet (default =1)

with > fit-to-marker attribute at like but if but if it's not fit your needs than you may use code in loop of markers; ``` markers.forEach(marker=> { this.bounds.extend(marker.getPosition()); // extends...

Sory for my previous unswer need some generation (As I have seen dom-repeat loop lately) I had the same problem, that I could not fix with the native google-map-marker element,...