Thanks for your suggestions, I have tried the VIT-small on the miniImagenet, the validation ACC for 1shot 5way is 72.69+-0.9330 and for 5shot 5way is 84.27 +- 0.5744
By the way, by transferring --optim_steps_online from 5 to 15,there is an improvement, I could obtain Test Acc 67.3822 + 0.8750 for 1shot 5way in miniImagenet. Maybe you provide the...
Additionally, according to the, the --epochs in the readme file need to rewrite as --num_epochs. The --chkpt_epoch 1599 should be --chkpt_epoch 1600 since the provided weights are xxxx1600.pth.
Yes, I am attempting to do that, once I obtain the result, I will tell you! Thanks for your patient reply!
by transferring --optim_steps_online from 20 and 25, I could obtain test Acc 67.88+-0.9698 and test Acc 67.8978 + 0.8755for 1shot 5way in miniImagenet. Meanwhile, under 15 and 20 settings. for...
Thanks for your advice. I would further try lowering the similarity temp slightly: similarity_temp_init = 0.0421. Yesterday, I have also tried the swin-tiny with --optim_steps_online 20 in miniImagenet. However, I...
Thanks for your reply! I could obtain very similar results for your settings. Particularly, default temp: Test acc: 83.7378 + 0.5591 (meta-ft with 100epochs) 83.9978 + 0.5322 (20 optimization steps)....
Hi, @mrkshllr, after fixing the bug, I have leveraged the provided pertained weights to run two more experiments with Swin in mininImagenet and I got val acc: 73.88+-0.8627, test acc:...
I meet the same problem, could you tell me how to solve it?