> there should be no need to use -w when the entire inputfile is a WAV file, it should be easy to detect if it's a wav file and set...
Same problem here, on gentoo amd64 stable, apache 2.4.54, php 8.0.20, redis 7.0.4. As a (really) ugly workaround, in lib/private/Memcache/Redis.php, line 81, replacing `return count($keys) === $deleted;` by `return 2;`...
Still persists in 26.0.5, thank you @heeplr for the ugly, but efficient workaround.
Still persists in 27.0.2, and I suppose 27.1.x versions are in the same state.
"unnecessary" ? Well... All the Nextcloud instances admins, who get regularly such "unnecessary" notifications because of this bug, might disagree, I guess. I know that we all have only 24...
> did they just updated so github arent working anymore? Perhaps you're right : the 0.6.3 version doesn't work anymore for me for the last days. But the 0.7.1 version,...