
Results 10 comments of cani1see

``` // ==UserScript== // @name // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match* //...

@hanxi 我没处理过下载文件再操作,另外我要URL放到nas上下载 ,你可以研究下

到android下面gradlew clean,再试试,不明觉历

+1, I think `isInternetReachable` is detect by the `reachabilityUrl`, why still affect by connection ?

@bd-arc slowly or not, it will come up. actually I want to do the scale effect, and I asked a question about style.

> Can you provide more details and an example In the document only shows setArray then getArray, but mostly query one item (by id meybe) is all we need. If...

> @cani1see you should organize your database in a better way to improve performance of key-value store. The best way is to index items by id and then save each...

@F-loat 之前有配置config 再删除已经生成的.json 还在

@F-loat 就是Page有这个问题,生成一堆空json好像不雅吧

@F-loat 我们都是用的方法设标题的,因为有几个页面设置了pullrefresh才发现