John Steele
John Steele
A lot of the long lines are the ones where formatting is taking place. Would you be OK with something like this? ### Before ```powershell Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.NotDesiredPropertyState -f 'DisplayName',...
I agree that warnings should be able to be suppressed for rules that are intentionally skipped. For example, I'm currently working through setting up a valid configuration for Server 2019...
@jborean93 @MKletz Sorry to resurrect a four year old issue but was there ever any further conversations on implementing the workaround shown above? Running it on its own seems to...
Support for DSC 2.0 and Invoke-DscResource would be hugely beneficial. PowerSTIG, only using composite resources, doesn't allow for the use of Invoke-DscResource which makes PowerSTIG unusable with things like Ansible....