Fernando Brito Lopes

Results 5 comments of Fernando Brito Lopes

I am raving the same problem. `library(shiny)` `library(DT)` `shinyApp(` ` ui = fluidPage(fluidRow(column(12, DTOutput('tbl')))),` ` server = function(input, output) {` ` output$tbl = renderDT(` ` iris %>% mutate_all(as.factor),` ` options...

In some laptops using **"use_userprofile": false** works just fine, but not always. So, I had to leave it as **true** for it to work on any laptop.

I've created a few functions to get the information I need with the format I want. See the code below, where I am using the "tryCatchLog" package. It would be...

Looking forward to using this new functionality. I hope it can be implemented soon.

Suggestion... ``` formatter_glue_pander