Hi @agnieszka-m! Thank you for your review :) I committed all your suggestions.
Thanks for the feedback @tstadel ! ok, I will try formatting the excel in code instead of using a template.
@tstadel I added some basic formatting using openpyxl. pylint still produces an error because I am "instantiating" an abstract class (whose `__new__()` function actually returns an instance of one of...
I think everything is ok now. Apologies for the multiple runs of the CI actions.
@tstadel thanks again for the review. > - `load_excel` doesn't work for me if I use `save_excel` and `load_excel` in Tutorial 5 instead of the ordinary `save` and `load` functions....
Hi @ju-gu. The template was used for the design but it depended on the data to be saved as it was required to define a sheet with a header line...
Hi @ju-gu ! I restored the template option. There is now only one template sheet, as you suggested. It is a bit less customizable, but much more simple!