Colin Alston

Results 11 comments of Colin Alston

A good start might be just adding the chart on the enclosure plugin screen, and then fix octoprint upstream to provide some plugin hook to add other temperature data sources.

Oh I think this is already implemented as "subtract baseline", doh

If a path setup causes this issue that’s a whole bug of its own

Seems to be because micropython needs a cmake interface file now appears to be a fix for this

I finally got it to work using an absolute path > make USER_C_MODULES=~/st7789_mpy/st7789/micropython.cmake all

it has changed in the new micropython codebase. See the pull requests fork at - I just got it working now

try a `make clean` and run it again. I also had a few strange issues but it eventually worked

After 48 hours of dumping memory from my Rigol I gave up though. Although working this interface is sadly just too slow for that particular use case. I wonder if...

So @dkarter broke it?

Looks like the nightlies are gone now. Would be nice to get that back, compiling source on a Raspberry Pi is the opposite of "fun".