## Issue description ## Expected behavior Execute npm install in /root/ot-node directory as a sudo user and successfully complete the command. ## Actual behavior At some point the sudo privilege...
## Expected behavior Creating /ot-node/backup/2021-09-04T14:19:03.255Z directories... ## Actual behavior Creating /ot-node/backup//2021-09-04T14:19:03.255Z directories... (note double-slashes between **backup** and **2021**) Issue exists in: function createBackupFolder() "console.log(`Creating ${argv.backup_directory}/${timestamp} directories...`);" ## Steps to reproduce...
## Expected behavior Both scripts would specify the backup directory to be used with the same argument. ## Actual behavior backup-upload-aws.js uses "--backupDirectory" backup.js uses "--backup_directory" ## Steps to reproduce...