@liangyanfeng I find one here: https://github.com/nishithbsk/tensorflow_tutorials/tree/master/cs20si And also, pay attention to the issues mentioned there. The original model doesn't converge properly.
I think change `machine_processor = platform.processor()` to `machine_processor = platform.processor() or platform.machine()` can fix this.
For those who suffer this, tmp solution is monkey patch: ``` import platform def x64(): return "x86_64" platform.processor = x64 ```
一处小笔误: `绘制贝塞尔曲线`小节的第一句:...接下来就要讲`如果`绘制贝塞尔... `如果`应改为`如何`
Thanks for your reply. @evgenys91 In my case, the device I defined only has one property named `deviceId`. And I specify the `Device property` as it (because I must choose...
@guome I've tried your solution, work like a charm. But there something wired, the original model **sometimes** converge. I think the main reason maybe the there are too many nodes...