M Emrich

Results 14 comments of M Emrich

What do you mean with leaving a scene? Like leaving the viewController, but then entering the same again?

For ImageViews you can also use `JDFlipImageView` and `setImageAnimated:`: https://github.com/jaydee3/JDFlipNumberView/blob/master/JDFlipNumberView/JDFlipImageView.h

yes that is how i meant it :) you may start with your PR :D

nice idea. will think about it. feel free to send a pull request.

not supporting 10.10 yet.. happy to see a PR!

just open https://github.com/search?q=__searchPhrase__&type=Repositories&ref=advsearch&l=Objective-C

feel free to send a PR! thank you.

I didn't plan a lot additional logic other than the basic displaying. This could be done in a complete separate wrapper class. Perhaps you want to do it? Perhaps I...

@iOSMaker that's not easily achievable with the current implementation, since the statusbar is on its own window, which will never be the key window - thus not receiving any touch...

Maybe you could parse the code into an AST using [`apple/swift-syntax`](https://github.com/apple/swift-syntax) to understand the code better. The resulting type information could be helpful to make more informed decisions on how...