Caleb Winston

Results 30 issues of Caleb Winston

There are several internal things that make Emu's performance potentially suboptimal. This issue is a place to discuss them. - `wgpu::Device::poll` is used [here]( and right now it blocks in...


We should implement several additional traits for `DeviceBox` to make it more useful. - `Clone` - for duplicating data on the GPU - `Hash` - for parallel hashing - `Eq`...

I don't know if other people can replicate this. But at least on my system, I can't use a local work group size of anything greater than 32.


It would be nice if we could have an `MPI.Reducev` for reducing variable-sized Julia objects. I saw a Python implementation, maybe a GitHub gist [1], with an implementation that I...


Is there a way to have a part of code have a link so that when clicked, a user may be redirected to documentation, for example? If not, is there...


In the [MPI example](, there is code like this: ``` # we need to close HDF5 and finalize the info object before finalizing MPI finalize(info) HDF5.API.h5_close() MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) MPI.Finalize() ``` So...

Hi, This looks neat! I was curious about how hard it would be to implement a GPU-accelerated backend with [Emu]( Would it amount to implementing the API in [`linalg`](

I'm downloading a Parquet file over network using AWSS3.jl. Can I parse this into a a DataFrame using Parquet.jl?

I want to be able to run some cleanup code after my tests run regardless of whether they succeed or fail. I though I could just do this by wrapping...


The row-group-level filtered reading for Parquet that is introduced by #5843 creates an issue of duplicate metadata (metadata is stored in the footers of Parquet files) reading in the case...

feature request
cuDF (Python)