Caleb Kiage

Results 20 issues of Caleb Kiage

I have the following animation defined ```typescript trigger('ngIfAnimation', [ transition('* *', [ query(':enter', style({opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(-200px)'}), {optional: true}), query(':leave', style({opacity: 1, transform: 'none'}), {optional: true}), group([ query(':leave', animate(1000, style({opacity:...


*Short summary (3-5 sentences) describing the issue.* Some endpoint paths e.g. `/users` require the `ConsistencyLevel` header defined. This is shown by having the header added in the operation parameters as...

Needs author feedback

It would be useful to provide an easy way to get the assembly version of the library that was used in generating an OpenAPI file e.g. in a comment in...

this is potentially a long call, maybe we should throw if cancelled here, but as selects run over vectors (SIMD), I'm not sure whether we're supposed to do it or...


## Summary Add shell generation steps to the pipeline ## Links to issues or work items this PR addresses ###### Microsoft Reviewers: [Open in CodeFlow](

### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Right now, a package's buildhash is computed using a fixed set of properties. This is fine for libraries and...

feature request

```csharp using System.CommandLine; var rootCommand = new RootCommand(); var cmd = new Command("test"); var cmd2 = new Command("test"); cmd.AddCommand(cmd2); rootCommand.AddCommand(cmd); return await rootCommand.InvokeAsync(args); ``` When trying to build the command...

Area-Parser and Binder

The current OpenAPI file for the beta MSGraph endpoint results in descriptions with empty response information for some endpoints. An example is shown below. ### Assemblies affected *Which assemblies and...


**How the logging works now**: Kiota's logging is based on C#'s logging support which uses factories to create loggers with specific categories. The categories are meant to provide a way...

Needs: Discussion 📢

POC: Improve CLI startup time by only building the commands that are necessary to parse the arguments.