Michael Calabrese
Michael Calabrese
Mine is also the Anova PC but it's the 110v version.
> Interesting... > > Thank you both for this info. I'm going to try to get a version out with some logging on the custom component version. Once I do...
I have the same issue but a different cause. The NOAA data has 0-360 degree longitudes and HA uses -180-180 causing anyone in the west to get 0 all the...
I made a pull request against the repo for the API but it hasn't been pulled into the home assistant project yet. If you're interested I can share my appdaemon...
@djtimca you already approved it but I'm guessing the python package needs to get updated and pushed to the home assistant build. https://github.com/djtimca/aurora-api/pull/1
> Yes Please! You add it and supply lat and long and an interval, optionally. I have it push to an mqtt sensor but there's other ways to implement it...