Sebastian Bo
Sebastian Bo
AFAIK an NSURL property should be shown as `-description` of the NSURL object. This does not work with the following code: ``` objc #import "UserResourcesForm.h" @interface UserResourcesForm () @end @implementation...
as seen here:
A Reset Keychain Message, as in the apple provided "keychain wrapper" would be great!
I've dopped a gif to iMessage, it works but it loses his animation. BTW: thanks for this nice demo!
Starting with Xcode_14.3 it seems that it is not possible to use Inject in a framework as the following build error appears: `.../SourcePackages/checkouts/Inject/Sources/Inject/Inject.swift:15:13: warning: public enum 'Inject.Inject' shadows module 'Inject',...
Could you please publish this awesome project in the cocoapods repo? would be great!