You can directly generate the sequence names contained in the VOT file into a txt file, of course the name is list.txt, or you can refer to the _get_sequence_list function...
the “list.txt”‘s content is as follows,it contains the names of 60 sequences of VOT2018,like this ants1 ants3 bag ball1 ball2 basketball birds1 blanket bmx bolt1 bolt2 book butterfly car1 conduction1...
maybe I should change the " params.segm_dist_map_type = 'center' " to params.segm_dist_map_type = 'bbox'?
I changed the " params.segm_dist_map_type = 'center' ,but the performance has deteriorated in VOT2018,when it's center mode,lost_num=47,while bbox mode ,the lost_num = 132,and I test the tracker with the pre-trained...
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