
Results 7 issues of caiquanyou

I try the code in this home page , but I don't know how to access the ipynb files , where is the /services/nbviewer path locates? Code below: `` =...

How to write the services with own custom jupyterhub? I write the services like below: ` = [ { 'name': 'public', 'url':'', 'command': ['voila'], } ]` and I can't find...

I install k8s-hub via` helm upgrade --install mlhub mlhub-chart-1.0.1.tgz --namespace mlhub --set-file userConfig=./`, but fail ,could you updata the helm resource? Or have any other ways to solve this?


I got an Error when running SCDC_prop below: `> x_scdc_prop

question about how to plot cell segmentaion results, I follow the tutorial using different methods and parameters to segmente single cell,but how could I plot them to show the segmentation...


In the 02_Exploratory_analysis_of_single_cell_data_with_SAUCIE.ipynb example, i run it and get some error issues below: 'data = pca_op.fit_transform(data_raw)' TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in 1 pca_op = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(100) ----> 2 data...