Lost-Photos-Found copied to clipboard
Linux version of the LostPhotos application for Mac/Windows
@caio1982 @cmatsuoka I just ran the script and did a mini investigation of the issue, but since Im not a python expert someone with more experience can probably solve more...
It came to my attention that email.header.decode_header() returns a list of (string, encoding) pairs and our _charset_decoder function was handling only the first pair in this list. This was especially...
Off the top of my head some simple ones: - total number of images downloaded - total size of images - how many e-mails matched the given criteria - how...
Sometimes LPF fails to get a message RFC822 and it might be due to a network hiccup because I just had this issue and retrying manually worked alright.
Docs say that... "abort" exceptions imply the connection should be reset, and the command re-tried. Traceback (most recent call last): File "./lpf.py", line 34, in imap.lostphotosfound() File "/tmp/Lost-Photos-Found/lostphotosfound/server.py", line 236,...
I am experiencing: 36:50.029921 < EIKI357 OK Success LOG: [decoded header] '"=?UTF-8?B?SGlwUmVjYWxsTGVnYWxDZW50ZXI=?=" sjjqcqkdemwrofnunbxu.kgsrifihuehqymgrvkdh@Dzyx7kUD-KA6q8WL5.84c.TCCdE.6WybftW39.Mj4J45w.aeokeyst.com' Traceback (most recent call last): File "./lpf.py", line 22, in imap.lostphotosfound() File "/Users/eparra/Downloads/Lost-Photos-Found-master/lostphotosfound/server.py", line 234, in lostphotosfound...
Just experienced this: Duplicated attachment /Users/eparra/LostPhotosFound/[email protected]/2014-11-2_23-45-19_profilephoto.png (e4806830c4f34dd1c26e4f2aeef5033e9a54d39a) 38:09.298410 > JHDE405 UID FETCH 128134 (X-GM-MSGID) 38:09.483290 < JHDE405 OK Success Traceback (most recent call last): File "./lpf.py", line 22, in imap.lostphotosfound()...